Welcome to Burlingame's Downtown Business Improvement District website and Blog!

 The DBID Board of Directors is made up of business people who represent and serve the over 400 downtown businesses. I won't bore you with the details but know that "we are you", all experiencing and facing the same major issues, good and bad.

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Remember when the biggest problem facing diners and shoppers was the lack of convenient parking?  Ah the good old days...... who knew? Today we are experiencing the unprecedented realities of shelter-in-place, non-essential business closures, staggered reopenings, social distancing, face masks, protests and boarding up store fronts.

Our downtown businesses have had to quickly develop protocols and pivot their business models. 

Each of us is navigating through these difficult times which reminds me of the opening line from a Dickens novel-  "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times". 

In an unprecedented way, our city government, business groups, charities, religious institutions, healthcare facilities, school districts, community groups, etc. are collaborating to help us all get through this incredibly uncertain time of a worldwide pandemic. Each segment has different needs with different levels of urgency. We are working hard to get things "up and running" again, while not endangering public health. Every effort, every mandate has to consider both economic health, personal health and well being. And this is a good thing....working together, for our benefit and for the benefit of others.

The DBID was proud to partner with the Broadway BID and community members to organize the Go Fund Me effort: Meals for Mills/Restaurant Rescue. The goal started at $20,000 and over $80,000 was raised!  Many of the restaurants benefitted from this program while also donating to it by supplying extra or extra special meals.  Many of our local businesses have gone above and beyond, even during their time of financial difficulty, to support families in need, supporting the front line healthcare workers at Mills-Peninsula hospital, trying to keep employees on the payroll, etc.  You may not see this reported, but it is happening frequently. 

The city worked closely with the DBID to gather information from the businesses in regards to developing the Burlingame Ave. Pedestrian Zone pilot. Pilots are being tested throughout the Bay Area to help downtowns allow for social distancing and bring people downtown in a safe manner.  Our feedback will be added to the community feedback in the City Council's decision making in the future.

I commend the willingness of business owners, community members and city government to be collaborative, flexible and patient.  It truly is remarkable how the community and businesses are "wrapping their arms around each other" to make sure we all come out on the other side of this pandemic. 

On that note, the DBID wants to now focus on our businesses, STAT! We can't wait to see everyone in our shops, restaurants, salons, etc.! Please know that we are working hard to create a safe and enjoyable environment for you our guests, and for our team. Thanks in advance for your understanding, continued support and your patience!

Now, make yourself at home and spend some time discovering the information found on the website.  Visit often to find information about your fabulous downtown stores, restaurants and service providers, special deals, etc.

Stay safe,  MaskUp and see you around town!

Jenny Keleher - President of the DBID and local business owner; A Runner’s Mind.


Taking “Flight” during a pandemic